Why Us

At 3rd Day Beverages, we believe it’s time for the truth about what we consume. The bottles of water and so-called sports drinks “Big Beverage” litters the store shelves with today seem to be misleading us.  

When we talk about GENESIS WATER, with its naturally occurring minerals and perfect pH, it is exactly "How Water Should Be.” Because unlike Big Bev, we believe water doesn’t need to be stripped down and remade.

Big Bev has told us for too long that their sugar laden, chemical dye filled drinks are the perfect things to hydrate us and our children during rigorous times. Don’t even get us started on the toxic “artificial sweetener” lines they offer. However, do you know what is not toxic—LION. 3rd Day Beverages’ answer to the demand for a healthy Hydration Drink.

LION has 100% natural flavors that will fuel you to find your strength, boldness, and warrior spirit so you can break free from unhealthy habits. LION has only GENESIS spring water, balanced, isotonic concentrations of electrolytes, B6, B12, and juuust the right amount of sweetness from monk fruit. There is “No Junk, Nada, Nope, Not Here” in the Original Spring Water Hydration Drink, so even our little ones can drink it freely.

At 3rd Day Beverages, we know the truth empowers us to make choices that improve our health and subsequently our lives. We hope you’re emboldened by what you’re reading…so much so, that you take back control of your health and with that, your life.

Copyright 2025 3rd Day Beverages. All Rights Reserved.