Why Us?

The bottles of water and so-called sports drinks “Big Beverage” puts on store shelves today are NOT good for us. The sports drinks ingredients lists are so long, Rapunzel would be jealous. They are filled with too many or too few “nutrients.” Even worse, the bottles of “premium” water are shipped from halfway around the world and/or left to boil in the blazing sun in steel containers for who knows how long!
Sadly, this fiasco is common practice and it results in Americans consuming substances that are extremely toxic, while trying to be healthy. The time has come for our nation to reject being fed Big Bev’s fake water and wellness lies.
When we talk about GENESIS WATER, with its naturally occurring minerals and perfect pH, it originates from springs so pristine that they could only come from God’s divine hands.
It is exactly "How Water Should Be.”
You won’t find us scientifically reengineering or super-synthesizing His perfect creation. Why? Because unlike Big Bev, we believe water doesn’t need to be stripped down and remade.
Big Bev has told us for too long that their sugar laden, chemical dye filled drinks are the perfect things to hydrate us and our children during rigorous times. Don’t even get us started on the toxic “artificial sweetener” lines they offer. However, do you know what is not toxic—LION. 3rd Day Beverages’ answer to the demand for a healthy Hydration Drink.
LION has 100% natural flavors that inspire you to find your strength, boldness, fearlessness, and warrior spirit so you begin breaking free from unhealthy habits. Watermelon, pineapple, mixed-berry, and lemon-lime only have GENESIS spring water, balanced electrolytes, and juuust the right amount of sweetness from monk fruit. There is “No Junk, Nada, Nope, Not Here” in the Original Spring Water Hydration Drink, so even your little ones can drink it freely.
Speaking of freedom…
We hope you’re emboldened by what you’re reading…so much so, that you take back control of your life, your beliefs, and especially, your health. We live in a place and time where this behavior has become rare—dare we say, rebellious—so, let's change that once and for all!

Frequently Asked Questions

Quenching Your Curiosity About Pure Water

What makes 3rd Day Beverages water different?

3rd Day Beverages prides itself on offering beverages that are not just hydrating but healthful and pure. Sourced from the best springs our water is rich in natural minerals, perfect pH, and processed minimally to preserve its quality and taste. Our "Genesis" line offers unique hydration experiences designed to meet your health and wellness needs. All our flavored beverages utilize this same water as their base. WE NEVER COMPROMISE ON THE WATER.

Are there any additives in GENESIS water?

Genesis Water is 100% natural spring water with no additives.

What is 3rd Day Beverages doing to be environmentally friendly?

Sustainability is at the core of our operations. We use eco-friendly and recyclable packaging, engage in sustainable water sourcing practices to ensure our spring's longevity, and participate in initiatives aimed at water conservation and environmental protection.

What about Caffeine?

Zero! Not Now, Not Ever! None of our beverages contain caffeine..

How do you ensure the safety and quality of your water?

Our water undergoes rigorous testing and quality control processes, from source to bottle. We adhere to stringent health and safety standards set by regulatory bodies, including the FDA. We employ carbon filtration and UV treatment to ensure purity without compromising the water's natural mineral content.




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